Bettina Krieg - Abysse
Bettina Krieg - Abysse
Bettina Krieg: Abysse
Edited by Moritz Kaufmann, Thomas Andrae
texts (German/English) by Christian Ganzenberg, Ludwig Seyfarth
54 p with 40 b/w illustrations
300 x 240 mm, softcover with a centerfold
released 2011
ISBN 978-3-940953-98-8
19,80 €
News from abyssal sea
With her first publication Bettina Krieg thrusts herself into the modern world of myriad images, initially simplifying them by breaking her representation down into black and white pen-and-ink drawings. However, both in her large compositions as well as her installations, one is very quickly drawn into the excessive detail out of which she arranges the myriad individual elements into entwined skeins. And yet it would seem that the inclination of these surprising and physically impressive conglomerates is invariably oriented towards a higher order. Then suddenly a few pictures break free, issuing forth onto the floor of the exhibition space or cover chairs and other objects in the room.